Monday 23 October 2017


Im always saying to not do research on a health problem because you never know what might pop up and it usually makes it worse. My doctors told me to do research and to read about other peoples stories and i have but it just makes me want to cry. fibromyalgia is an 'invisible' illness and a lot of people dont know what its like my heart goes out to the people who have these types of illnesses.
why did i research?, why did i look at all the other symptoms? and why do people not understand?
Everyday is a fight and its not the same you wake up and think what will it be today? how will it effect me? and all of the time you carry the guilt around with you. 
I am constantly feeling guilty, guilty for the fact im a burden i cant do what they can do. i need help but i dont want to ask. i feel like i drag everyone down but i have to wear a mask showing them one side and lying to them about the other.

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